Heat Pump Thermostats

With the cold winter making everyone look for any scrap of heat they can possibly find it is important that all thermostats in your home are working. If you do not know what your heat pump thermostat is and does, then it is important that you are educated because it can save you a large sum of money per month. Because the heat pump works with electricity, it makes the installation easy when a home is being built because there are no extra chimneys and outlets that have to be built into the home and it makes the installation on an existing home so much easier because extra outlets don’t have to be manufactured and broken out as it is with the gas powered heaters.

What Are Heat Pump Thermostats?

A heat pump is a great way to warm your home with electricity because you don’t need a way for gas to get out of your home and you don’t need to lay extra gas lines in your home and redecorate around it. Despite what people believe about heating a home, heat pumps are not easy to install and they should not be tended by anyone other than a professional. The thermostat is highly sophisticated and not just any thermostat should be fitted into the heat pump itself. There is a specific thermostat that should be ordered from the manufacturer. The thermostat regulates how hot or how cool the heat pump makes the home and if you have sudden fluctuations of hot and cold in your home, it could be because of the thermostat.

Heat pump thermostats are made to be virtually indestructible, but even the best thermostat can go bad and give in. Although it may seem like an easy task, it is better to have a professional replace the thermostat for you. Many have tried to do it themselves to cut costs and have had endless problems. With this intricate and complicated piece of machinery, there is so much that can go wrong and so many little parts that can be damaged that it is better not to fiddle with it yourself.

Functions of the Heat Pump Thermostat

The Function of the thermostat is to regulate the heat that comes from the heat pump. Should the heat pump be left to generate heat at a constant rate, the temperature inside the home may reach boiling point in no time and the shelf life of the heat pump itself may be shortened as well due to burning out. The thermostat regulates the heat pump and switches the heating on until the temperature inside the home reaches the set temperature and then switches the heat pump off again until the temperature fluctuates inside the home. This is why you would find wild fluctuations in your home when something is wrong with the thermostat.

Programming the Thermostat

Heat pump thermostats may not be theHeat Pump Thermostat easiest technology to master if you do not read the manual. Each unit may not be the same and this is why it is important to read the manual and to follow the instructions to the last letter so that you are sure that the setting will be right. Once the temperature has been set, it is best to not adjust the settings on a regular basis.

On the older models of heat pumps, you may want to call in a technician that is certified to work on the specific model you have or you may want to replace with a newer model if you have the funds to do so.

Before Calling In the Professionals

Before spending money on replacing the thermostat, first change the air filter, which is easy enough to do by yourself and if the problem persists, you can check the wiring to see if there are any wires that have been damaged or that are loose. Once you have gone over all of these problems, and the fluctuations still persist, you can have the thermostat replaced.

If you understand the principle of electronics and you have the manufacturer’s guide on your heat pump and the thermostat, you could attempt to repair or replace the thermostat by yourself, but remember that if the thermostat or the heat pump is still under warrantee, you may render this warrantee null and void if you attempt to repair or replace something on the unit by yourself. You also want to make sure that you have read all of the instructions and precautions and that you understand all of it before attempting the work yourself.

Should You Repair Or Replace?

If the heat pump cuts on and off no matter what the temperature then there may be a problem with your thermostat. In this case you would need to replace the thermostat or have it repaired. If the temperature only fluctuates about three degrees then it may just be a setting. We are never really happy with the temperature of our homes and this may cause us to think there is something wrong with the thermostat which causes us to fiddle with it constantly. It is best to decide on a general and comfortable temperature inside the home and ensure that all doors and windows are closed when the heat pump is on so that the thermostat is not constantly fiddled with. This wear and tear can shorten the lifespan of your heat pump and the thermostat.

Average Cost of Heat Pump Thermostats

The average price of heat pump thermostats range from $45 to $140, but the one you buy will depend on the heat pump you have. The two will need to be compatible. You can get an average heat pump thermostat for around $60. You should also look at how much a service costs on your unit before you choose the brand. The maintenance of the heat pump and the thermostat is very important and help you to get better longevity and reliability from your heat pump and all of the components that go with it.